I'm Rex, a software designer, a skier and photographer, I build and design vibes of the future with my, my family's and my friends' love, on my way chasing the ultimate understanding and freedom of the world.
Life is ours to be spent, not to be saved.
If you happen to speak Mandarin, my Chinese name can be spelled as 王承宸 (wáng, chéng chén), my friends call me CC or C sometimes.
I’ve loved making things for as long as I can remember, and wrote my first program when I was in primary school, since then, exploring the world of computer science and technology has become my passion.
Beyond my passion for technology, I'm also a photographer, a traveler, a sci-fi lover and a foodie. I love to capture the beautiful moments of life and share them with people around me. I also love to travel around the world to explore the beauty of nature and the diversity of cultures. I love to try different kinds of food and enjoy the happiness of sharing food with friends and family.
You may find a different set of languages (English, Chinese, Japanese and perhaps French) being used interchangeably across my blog. Apologize if this mixture bothers you, but I do not have time to maintain a separate i18n personal blog, from the lessons I learned in the past.

This is the 4th version of my space and will be served as my digital graveyard on the Internet. I write stuff to cheer myself up, and sometimes share the joy with my friends.