Writing on technology, books I read and life I have spent.

All of my long-form thoughts on programming, gaming, life, and more, collected in chronological order.

中文年终总结 | 2024

白驹过隙,又到了写每年写年终总结的时候,今年换了一个思路,打算把总结放在公开的地方(aka 我的博客上);一来是发现维护各种数字信息的精力渐渐变得有限,我希望通过减少需要管理的平台和工具来给自己减负,二来也是希望借此倒逼自己的写习惯,重新培养一下公开输出内容的能力,如果有读者偶然路过,且花了一点时间读完,希望对你来说不至于是浪费时间。



中文I survived | 在美急性阑尾炎就医实录


EnglishA Dependency Hell issue in Clojure

This post talks briefly about a minor Dependency Hell issue I ran into recently in a Clojure project caused by inconsistent dependency specification.

EnglishMy Java Design Patterns Learning Notes

This post contains all my implementations and notes of Java design patterns while I was learning the book 《Head First Design Patterns》.